An Irlen Screening takes 1-2 hours. A Certified Irlen Screener is specially trained to provide perceptual testing that will accurately diagnose whether Irlen Method and environmental and educational accommodations will provide immediate improvements in reading, math, handwriting, attention/focus, fluency, comfort during visual and computer tasks, and calm sensory overload.
Irlen Screenings provide information and awareness of sensory processing disorder symptoms and their possible causes which can mildly or severely impact a child or adult, and may be traced genetically for generations, across family members, from childhood or due to an illness or injury. Over 15% of all people have some degree of light sensitivity and are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other conditions unless the professional tester is specially trained.
Once a diagnosis of Irlen Syndrome is established, various interventions can immediately relieve unique symptoms and improve function, learning, working productivity, stress working at the computer, attention, behavior and emotional balance.
During the testing session, improvements may be observed and documented in such areas as reading or math fluency, accuracy, comfort, sustained attention, visual tracking and convergence, visual tracking, clarity of text, and ease and enjoyment during visually stressful tasks. With specific accommodations, improvement can be seen in handwriting, attention/focus, behavior, reading music score, testing results, as well as, a decrease in headaches, migraines, visual stress, and discomfort.
Irlen Screeners must have a bachelors degree or higher, 15 hours of initial training, mentoring by an Irlen Diagnostician, provide at least 10 initial screenings, and years of professional development to maintain their certification. Irlen Method has over 30 years of evidence-based, medical & educational research from centers of neurology, psychology, psychiatry, public education, ophthalmology, reading remediation, vocational rehabilitation, the military, and prison schools. Irlen Method has been featured at major professional conferences, research journals, 60 Minutes, National Geographic, ABC/NBC News, Amen Clinics, Harvard Medical Journal, Bulletproof Executive, and universities internationally. Irlen Diagnostic Centers are found throughout the world. Millions have been helped by Irlen Method.