Ms. Shamberg has over 35 years experience as an educator, consultant, therapist and professional trainer. She has presented hundreds of international continuing education programs and presentations on a variety of topics related to special education, accessibility consulting, home modifications, jobsite/ADA accommodations, universal/accessible design, and community-based and independent living services for children and adults with disabilities, as well as, seniors who choose to “Age in Place”. Her work as an expert witness provides guidance and specialized testimony for many workman’s compensation, medical malpractice and ADA/Fair Housing/504/ IDEA Civil Rights litigation.
Ms. Shamberg teaches seminars for educators and therapists working with pediatric clients including the Irlen Screener Certification Training, Brain Gym Introduction, and interventions addressing mental, physical, sensory, and emotional challenges and wellbeing.
Ms. Shamberg has degrees in both occupational therapy and special education with specialized training and certifications in assistive technology and environmental modifications. She was a nationally recognized and licensed Brain Gym Instructor for decades, and is presently focused on providing Irlen Syndrome Testing and Professional Trainings, as a Certified Irlen Screener/Diagnostician.
Ms. Shamberg’s other specialties include: sensory processing disorders, visual perceptual and neurological conditions, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, chronic migraines/ headaches, light sensitivity, motor coordination dysfunction, dementia, brain injuries, computer stress syndrome, anxieties, and visual stress issues. Her long-term collaboration with neuropsychiatrists specializing in brain health has created partnerships with national experts such as the Amen Clinics.
Ms. Shamberg has been teaching the only internet-based training and mentoring program on accessibility/home modifications/ADA consultation for medical and design/build professionals, with an international participation for over 25 years. She was the AOTA representative to the American National Standards Institute (ICC/ANSI 117.1) Accessible Design Standards Building Code Committee for over 20 years, the MD representative to the AOTA IDEA Partnership Advisory Committee , a guest instructor at various universities and major conferences nationwide, and former Vice President of the Maryland Occupational Therapy Association (MDOTA) and legislative committee chairperson.
Ms. Shamberg is a trainer with the Mid-Atlantic ADA Leadership Network and has receive the AOTA FAOTA Roster of Fellow Award for her ground breaking specialty innovations. She has published extensively in professional journals, consumer publications, textbooks for medical and design/build professionals, and has an extensive list of published articles which can be accessed on this website via her blog articles.
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