Irlen Visual Learning Center Recommends that clients come in for yearly Irlen Re-Tint sessions to insure tints are accurate. Already tinted Irlen tints often can be re-tinted inexpensively, if faded or adjustments need to be made from the original tints to increase accuracy and benefits. Tints can change due to medical conditions and changing status, trauma such as sports or car injuries, medications or medication dosage changes, and can fade within a year. In most cases, the Irlen Re-tint session takes about an hour if done yearly, longer if one waits. If you move, Irlen Diagnostic Centers are found in 47 countries and 27 states, and any Irlen Diagnostician can provide a re-tint session by obtaining your tints from our Irlen Labs, in California or Australia. Consumers may not contact Irlen Labs for their tints RX but must go through an Irlen Diagnostician for new or retinted filters.
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