Irlen Diagnostic Testing takes 2-4 hours, usually conducted after an Irlen Screening has determined that the client has Irlen Syndrome. Under certain conditions, an Irlen Screening and Diagnostic Testing can be conducted on the same or consecutive days to maximize travel time for out of town clients. One or two testing sessions is usually all that is needed to provide immediate relief.
Improvements can be observed immediately from sensory stress symptoms. Because scotopic sensitivity syndrome, or light sensitivity, is pervasive and often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, symptoms can mimic or contribute to other conditions: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD/ADHD, anxieties, autism, migraine/headaches, Lyme Disease, brain injuries/strokes, and other neurological conditions. Irlen Syndrome is often exacerbated by fluorescent or bright lights, high contrast patterns, working at computer screens, driving esp at nigh, during sustained activities such as testing or long periods of sitting, stress, and much more. By decreasing visual stress, other processing problems can improve such as executive functioning, auditory processing and motor coordination.
Immediate improvements are observed in the testing session so guesswork is eliminated. The use of Irlen spectral filters worn as tinted RX or no RX glasses or contact lenses can provide relief in all situations where light and visual stress is a problem. This issues hereditary, across generations, manifesting is different ways for each person. Irlen Method is supported by over 30 years of international evidence-based research by medical and educational professionals including neurologists, psychologists, opthomalogists, optometrists, and educators.