Irlen Screener Certification training enables you to be part of an international network of educators , medical, and service professionals who can provide screening assessments to determine accurately symptoms and interventions to address irlen syndrome, a sensory processing disorder that focuses on how light sensitivity affects cognitive, physical and emotional function in children and adults. Scotopic sensitivity, or irlen syndrome, is also known as light sensitivity, photophobia, visual dyslexia, and visual sensory stress. Irlen spectral filters or colored overlays provide immediate benefits and relief in the testing session for reading (dyslexia), math (dyscalculia), migraines , computer stress, and light sensitivity. Environmental modifications and accommodations can create greater levels of improvement. Can be used for specific IEP, 504, and ADA accommodation plans. See www. for research: Cornell University neuroscience , military , prison school, ADD, and public schools.