From rolling out of the bed in the morning, which causes a tragic 497,792 head injuries a year, to lifting the laundry basket the wrong way, which leads to 18,871 lower back injuries annually, your home might be a source of danger. Everyday activities can become dangerous, and even deadly, if you have barriers or are ignorant of hazards.
Domestic Terrorism: How Could Your Home Become Your Enemy?
Beyond the danger of falls, trips and the potential for ingesting poisons, there are countless home dangers that don’t get the attention they deserve.
Mold spores are microscopic (250,000 can fit on the head of a pin!), which makes them hard to spot and get rid of. Molds can be extremely dangerous and hidden in walls and furniture, which can go undetected unless seen on walls from the outside .
It is never good to have a mold presence in your home. Mold can damage objects in your home and wreak havoc on your health. People with allergies, asthma, Lyme & autoimmune diseases can be dangerously affected by compromising your immune system, leading to co-infections. If you don’t regularly clean your ducts and heating system, molds can be thriving behind your walls, curtains and furniture. Lingering mold can be distributed throughout your home via HVAC systems.
What can mold lead to?
Respiratory illnesses
Asthma symptoms
Light sensitivity
Headaches & Migraines
Joint pain & inflammation
Shortness of breath
Skin irritations
Fatigue & ADD/ADHD
Did you know that common house and outdoor plants may be poisonous or cause severe allergic reactions? Toxic plants present a danger to those you love, especially children and pets. Poisoning can happen from eating or touching the leaves, ingesting roots or berries, skin contact with the juice, eating the soil or drinking water from the tray beneath a potted plant.
Some of the most common poisonous houseplants include:
Peace Lily
The Best Household Technologies to Protect You
Thankfully, there are many new technologies that can keep you and your family safe.
Between holiday sales and the need to spend your FSA dollars, now is the perfect time of year to invest in new tech products and houseplants.
Smoke Detectors: Install on each level of your home. Ensure batteries are in working order by periodically testing the device or wiring it to you home electrical system.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Since the gas is colorless, odorless and virtually undetectable, warning devices will detect dangerous levels and keep your family safe.
Mold Detectors and Testing: Identify the presence of dangerous mold around the house and obtain a blueprint for remediation.
Home Automation Devices: Motion-activated lights can make sure that your late-night trips to the bathroom are much safer. Cameras around the house can catch problems, like a pet ingesting a dangerous plant or intruder, that wouldn’t be seen otherwise. HVAC systems can be programmed by your smart phone or thermostat. Automation can also control lighting, music, TV, doors, locks and window coverings.
Aromatherapy: Sound and music therapies or even natural herbal remedies are a great way to relax and de-stress. Many household accidents are caused partially because of fall hazards, but mainly because of increased stress, drowsiness or not paying attention.
End of Year FSA Spending
If you still have money left to spend in your flexible spending account (FSA), you can use it towards a variety of services and products designed to enhance your life! With Abilities OT & Irlen Diagnostic Center, you can apply your FSA funds towards:
Brain gym sessions
Irlen testing
Irlen retinting
Irlen spectral tints
Educational seminars
Home safety or job site assessments
Occupational therapy
We are also offering a wide variety of awesome end-of-year discounts and specials, so contact our office to learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your FSA dollars.
New Product Alert! Cocoon Fitover Frames
We are expanding our diverse selection of products to include Cocoon Fitover frames. These versatile frames come in a wide range of styles, colors and sizes and can be tinted in many colors. Cocoon Fitover frames can also be created with Irlen spectral tints and blue-blocker overlays to prevent eye damage from computer screens.. Until the end of 2018, we will be offering steep discounts, so grab yours today!